
Altfel - Nimic altceva decât un loc altfel, într-o lume în care anormalul ia locul normalului din ce în ce mai mult.

About the beauty of writing and SEO

SEO and creativity

I love to write. And this blog I have, and the beauty of writing for relaxation and fun,  saved my life in moments that were very difficult to me.

Then, I discovered SEO. I tried to understand it, even if I have always said to myself that I do not write for others, I write for me.

But I still tried to make my posts and pages easier to be found. Do not ask me why.

I tried to put flowing water into the bucket ( as Alan Watts wrote in one of his beautiful books).

“If you try to capture running water in a bucket, it is clear that you do not understand it and that you will always be disappointed, for in the bucket the water does not run. To “have” running water you must let go of it and let it run. The same is true of life and of God.”

― Alan W. Watts, The Wisdom of Insecurity

But guess what?

Flowing water lost its flow. It became still water.

Maybe I do not understand SEO. Most probably.

Anyway, at this moment I believe SEO kills creativity.

By SEO I should:

  • write a specific number of words;
  • have a specific number of links neither more, neither fewer;
  • choose specific words, not words that are appropriate in a fluid context;
  • behave like a robot.

I just cannot be one.

So, if people find me and like my writing, I am glad. If they do not find me or if they do not like my writing it means this is how it has to be.

I do not know how to use SEO without destroying the meaning of what I wish to convey. My words are like running water, they flow.

I will write as I like, without any constrains. Better to be unknown in my unique way than to be known in a sense of a computer algorithm.


Imagine de Diggity Marketing de la Pixabay

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